Webers Ts is veteran owned, I am a visually impaired veteran. I have become involved with the Veterans Administrations (VA) Adaptive Sports Program. After losing vision this program really assisted me with the process of adapting. Disabilities are all about adapting. 

Its my inspiration to design great T-shirts with images depicting outdoor scenes that are more unique. I hope that through the sales of the shirts we together can help the verterans that need out help.The adaptive sports has become a passion which is seeing other veterans learn they can still do so many things. Learning to adapt at an outdoor activity helps us to adapt to daily life. 

The VA's premier event is held at Snowmass, Colorado and is called the Disabled Winter Sports Clinic. The event includes more than just skiing, activities such as fly fishing, kayaking, and ever scuba diving are introduced. However, snow sports are its primary focus. Over 200 adaptive ski instructors from the US and Canada volunteer their time for the week long event. The beauty of the event is that it gives the disabled veterans the opportunity to receive an introduction to various disciplines providing the basis to go back home and make use of the many programs available to them in or near their community.


While the event is free, lodging is not. It is our hope to create a scholarship fund to help disabled veterans the chance to make use of this opportunity. The event, has a nickname of MIRACLES ON THE MOUNTAIN. 


Help us fund this scholarship program by purchasing our products. You''ll look great and make a difference in a veterans life.

This is a photo from the VA's Disabled Winter Sports Clinic

As you purchase from us, we will be able to donated a portion to a scholorship fund to help disabled veterans afford lodging so they can attend the event.

Visit the VA's Disabled Winter Sports Clinic website.